Savings Secured Personal Loans
The loan to help you build your credit.
- Borrow between $500-$500,000
- Fixed monthly payments
As low as 3.00% Annual Percentage Rate (APR)3.00% plus Savings rate Share Savings Secured Loan example: $18,635 borrowed at 3.88% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for 60 months = $18.36 per month per $1,000 borrowed.

Savings Secured Loans
A great loan for those who:
- Want to build or re-build their credit profile
- Want to hold on to your cash
- Have a First Tech savings account
- Want a fixed monthly payment
- Want to borrow between $500-$500,000 to pay off debt or fund a tech innovation
What you'll get:
- Fixed-rate
- Fixed-term loan
Reap the benefits.
Flexible financing options
- Borrow as little as $500Share Savings Secured Loan example: $18,635 borrowed at 3.88% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for 60 months = $18.36 per month per $1,000 borrowed.
- Loan terms up to 96 months
Quick and easy loan application
- Online loan application
- Digital document delivery
- Fast loan decision
More money in your pocket
- No pre-payment penalty
- No application or origination fee
- No annual feeShare Savings Secured Loan example: $18,635 borrowed at 3.88% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for 60 months = $18.36 per month per $1,000 borrowed.