Build your business with strong savings.
- Access First Tech membership benefits
- Start your business savings goals
- Stay connected to your money
Earn up to 0.01% Annual Percentage Yield (APY)0.01%

Business Membership Savings
Maintain a minimum $5 membership balance.
This account fits those who:
- Need a basic business membership account
- Want a simple, flexible way to save
- $5 minimum opening balance
Reap the benefits.
You'll benefit from:
- Dividends accrue daily and compound monthly
- Zero monthly account maintenance fees
- No early withdrawal fees
Peace of mind
- Balances are insured to $250,000 by the NCUA
- Secure online access
Manage your money when and where you want
- Withdraw funds at any time
- Access your account online from our Mobile App
- Deposit checks with our free Mobile App
Check out our related resources.
Rate Sheet and Fee Schedule
Membership and Account Agreement
Limitation and Termination of Service Policy