Insurance Never Takes a Vacation

When you’re planning a vacation, the last thing you will think about is insurance. But thinking through these five insurance questions now could make your trip less stressful.
1. Should I buy rental car insurance?
The deductibles and liability limits on your auto insurance policy typically transfer to a rental car used on vacation. What is often not covered is loss of use charges when the rental car is involved in an accident and the rental car company is unable to earn money from renting the car to someone else. While some auto insurance policies provide coverage for this scenario, others will not. Call your insurance agent to verify how your policy coverage will apply to the rental car. If your policy does not cover the rental company’s potential loss of use, or if you don’t have physical damage coverage on your vehicle, you may need to consider buying the rental company’s loss damage waiver or contact your credit card company to see if they can provide a similar level of coverage.
2. Is my luggage protected when I travel?
When you’re on vacation, both homeowners and renter’s insurance will cover most lost, stolen, or broken items if your policy provides for off-premise coverage. High value items, such as jewelry, cameras, or sporting equipment, can be covered with a scheduled endorsement to provide expanded protection against theft or mysterious disappearance.
3. Do I need insurance when traveling abroad?
Many homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies provide worldwide liability and will protect you against potential claims for damages while abroad. Some auto policies even provide worldwide liability while driving a car. Make sure you speak with an agent to ensure your policy has the appropriate coverage. And remember, you’ll need a separate auto policy if you are driving to Mexico.
4. What does health insurance cover while abroad?
Many health insurance plans, including Medicare, don’t cover medical emergencies or care outside the US. And some will not cover you outside your home state or a specific region. Call ahead and ask about your plan. If it doesn’t meet your needs, you might look into a medical travel insurance policy that includes medical coverage, trip cancellation protection, lost/stolen luggage, as well as accidental death coverage.
5. Should I buy travel insurance?
Weather, hurricanes, and politics can interrupt even the most well-planned vacation. When you add the travel insurance to your airline tickets, you’re offsetting some of that risk. Some travel insurance also covers lost or stolen bags, medical emergencies, and illnesses. Want to save some money? Use a First Tech Odyssey Rewards World Elite Mastercard® to buy your tickets and pay for other travel-rated items. When you do, you’ll get trip cancellation and trip interruption protection, roadside assistance, concierge services, as well as travel accident and baggage delay coverage at no extra cost.